Which cities are the friendliest?

I recently conducted a poll on my Facebook to ask people which cities they think are the friendliest.  These are the names that came up:  Cuenca, Ecuador; Toronto; Vancouver, BC; Chicago; Manchester, England; and Texas.  Of course Texas is a state and not a city, but I have heard that on a whole the people are very friendly from there.  I decided to create a list of factors that I feel a city should rate high on in order to be considered friendly.  Let me know what you think!

  1. How members most in need are treated (i.e. poor, sick, elderly, disabled, homeless etc.)
  2. How well strangers treat each other
  3. The number of community programs and groups (i.e. Meetup groups, local bands, not-for-profit groups)
  4. How well new-comers to the city are treated
  5. The number of open spaces, including parks and bike paths
  6. Accessibility to the downtown core, including parking rates
  7. Efficiency and ease of the public transportation system
  8. The number and size of festivals
  9. Is the city family friendly?
  10. Affordability of housing

Please add to the list if you can think of anymore points, and let me know which cities you think are the friendliest.