The Google Generation: is easy access to information really such a great thing?

Lately I have been wondering what the implications are of having all this information so readily available and easily accessible through Google. Of course, I can remember a time when life wasn’t like this. But for the so called “Google Generation,” they have never known life to be any different. They are the so-called cohort of young people born after 1993, with little or no recollection of life before the web. So, to find out more about this overload of information and what it is doing to people, I did what I know best – I asked Google. Apparently, there is a new emerging concept of “Education 2.0.” This is the idea that memorization of facts and figures is no longer necessary, because you can just look “that stuff” up on Google. It’s more important to just understand the context so that you can focus on context and meaning rather than facts.
But is it really true? Many people still believe that it is essential to have an internal knowledge base of facts in your own mind, in which to draw conclusions from and use to contribute to meaningful conversations. And others say that “the more you know and understand, the easier it is to learn new information and understand it.”
“Personally, I believe that it is not enough to just have easy access to information. You still need to know how to question that information, or be able to recognize when it is just plain wrong. You also need to know how to conduct strategic searches so that you can find the most relevant and important information. So, I’d like to pose the question to you. Do you believe that it is no longer necessary to memorize facts, when hey – you can just look it up on Google?”

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